Did you know that baristas increase shot size based on the amount of milk to get the right harmony? It's important to consider what kind of coffee you really enjoy, and for when you want to drink it. For example if you love a strong coffee in the morning, add less milk - this will mean you're getting all of those great characteristics of the coffee itself and the milk isn't overshadowing it. On most machines, the "small cup" button is on the left hand side. If you're using a larger cup, consider the extraction size you are using, or try a double shot.
Black coffee
Espresso - 1 x pod (25mL coffee)
Double Ristretto - 2 x pods (50mL coffee)
Lungo - 2 x pods (80mL coffee), or
Long Black - 1 x pods (25mL coffee) topped up with boiling water
Milk coffee
The milk-to-coffee ratio is a crucial part of your brewing recipe. When making milk based cafe-style recipes, always pour the espresso first as your base - you want that lovely, thick syrupy coffee to interact properly with the milk, blending everything so it becomes quite creamy. To get the best out of your coffee and milk for a barista quality coffee, we suggest the following:
Piccolo Latte - 1 x pod (25mL coffee) + 120mL milk
Small milk coffee - 2 x pods (50mL coffee) + 210mL milk
Medium milk coffee - 3 x pods (75mL coffee) + 280mL milk
Large milk coffee - 3 x pods (75mL coffee) + 400mL milk
Check out the following article for more info: How To Perfect The Art Of Milk Based Coffee
Notes on extraction size:
• The extractability point of coffee is between 18-28%. Less than 1/3 of a coffee bean can be extracted. If your extraction is too long, you'll notice smoky and charcoal-y aspects - this is a sign that the coffee has been burnt.
• When using quite a short extraction with stronger coffees (stopping extraction early for a Ristretto, for example), your coffee will produce lovely sweet, rich flavours and aromas - a high intensity roast supports this kind of extraction perfectly.
• If using a milder coffee, go all the way to 40mL to get the full taste of the blend in your cup.
• Only extract a maximum of 40mL per pod.
• When extending a shot to 40mL, the balance of flavour and intensity will differ - we suggest experimenting to find what suits your tastes best.