If you are experiencing issues applying the lid to your capsule with your Cup Creator, try the following:
- Begin by giving the Cup Creator a thorough clean with warm soapy water (coffee oils can build up inside the Cup Creator, just like in a grinder/coffee machine) and allow to dry fully before attempting use again.
- Ensure that the "capsule release" button is down before beginning to make a capsule.

- Ensure the lip on the base piece of the Cup Creator is in the up position - if it is locked down, the capsule may not seal correctly. To adjust this, turn the base piece upside-down, and press the base until you hear a click, and you can see that the lip has popped up.

If your Cup Creator is jammed / has a capsule stuck inside, start with the above steps. If this doesn't resolve the issue:
- Remove the black rubber ring on the button and try adjusting the positioning before attempting to release the capsule.