During the process of moving to reusable coffee pods, you may find you're experiencing a little more water in your drip-tray in comparison to using disposable capsules. It's important to note that real coffee, freshly ground, generally contains a higher moisture and/or oil content than coffees such as instant and pre-filled pods, which tend to sit on supermarket shelves for months on end. Switching to a higher quality coffee can make the pump in your pod machine work a little harder, and whilst a small amount of excess water hopefully shouldn't cause a problem, the tips below should assist in reducing the water in your drip tray.

Grind method: If you grind at home, using a burr grinder will help you achieve a better brew (blade grinders can create too much dust). This dust, along with  grind inconsistencies can create a higher density within the capsule, essentially contributing to blocking the capsule, resulting in excess water leaking into the drip tray.

Grind size / tamp: A grind that is too fine can also result in excess water leaking into the drip tray. We suggest experimenting with pressure - pack the coffee more loosely with minimal tamp, or simply fill and apply the lid.

Pump function: We also suggest making sure your coffee capsule machine has been recently cleaned, descaled and is in optimum working condition. “Descaling” is the act of stripping calcium and lime deposits from your machine’s surfaces, assisting the pump to create a pressure build-up that produces a lovely crema to top your brew. If you want to ensure your coffee machine is producing the best flavour and an optimal brew pressure, it should be cleaned once a week and descaled once every three months. Cleaning your coffee machine not only extends it's life, but also ensures the quality of the coffee you brew.

Tip: Don't - Use vinegar! Vinegar doesn't remove coffee oils the way a professionally formulated coffee machine cleaner does. Do - Use a cleaning solution that will remove oils, stains and break down grime.